Monday 9 November 2020

Do children still spin?

Hot summer night

the stars so bright a hand should

be able to pluck them

to adorn a hat or coat.


The creature stirs within

when the nights are warm

the sky clear

and school is over for the year.


Primordial, the beast fanged and clawed

stalking the aorta

rummaging in the stomach region

forcing voices loud as thunderclaps

feet to step and leap

hands to slap and clap.


The creature’s release is in the spin

arms flung wide

head tossed back and eyes closed

for as long as dared.


The spin weaves the brain

away from thought

from words and lessons and

conscious creation.


Around and around

feet propelling the spin,

the creature driven to explode

outwards into the cosmic bang.


The body hits the earth

arms again wide

mind spinning

and the world’s weight

an embrace –

humans have roots too.

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