Sunday 21 February 2021

Fossil traces:


In the salt wedged between progress

and an echo of a dream giant machines

rest, stilled in the end by a lack

bigger than greed. Where mountains

once stood holes stare up at stars

imagine their peaks returned at last.

In the oceans, in the sand the imprints

of packages discarded for the worth inside.


Across the flatlines of the globe

bones sing the dirges, future minds

struggle to put the bones into a semblance

of sense out of the mass of loss, beneath land

in caverns stacked cylinders hold a poison

a thousand, thousand years in the unmaking.


Shadows of cities rest now

in the reclaimed forests, steel girders

twist into new stories for fur and feather

hold eggs and young safely above.


Buried in time, deep in the ancestral mind

memories float unheard, untold, sacred.


Who will release the casket’s dirt now?

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