Thursday 28 September 2017

A new poem.

Seal Skin:

I wish I had the skin, still
the cloak I used to cover myself
hide the truth from eyes used to seeing
normal beings as consistent in form
shaken to the core when they saw
me strutting or swimming.

I wish I had the skin, still
seal fur and lover’s blood,
bone of wolf, tooth of shark
a delightful cavern to dwell within —
a place to explore and remain free
while the world rolled on like a cloud.

and I would walk the land
as a wolf, or swim the oceans as a seal
and sing such songs sailors would weep
to think there was more than they could believe
in the world they crossed upon
forever on the surface and never below.

I wish I had the skin, still
but she stole it from me one night
after we had lain together by her fire;
exhausted I slept and dreamed
I was a man trapped in the unreal world —
when I woke she was gone
and here I remain.

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